2019 BC Seafood Expo
BC Seafood Expo & Trade Show
June 12 & 13, 2019
Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
The BC Seafood Expo is one of the largest seafood industry trade events in the pacific northwest attracting suppliers, qualified domestic and international buyers, distributors, producers, industry leaders and government representatives to network, meet and grow the seafood industry.
Delegate Registration
The Expo features over 50 Trade Show exhibitors, leading speakers in their fields and provides a venue to network with industry leaders.
Register now for a chance to meet 50 international buyers, distributors, and educators for every type of fish, seafood, and seafood-related products and services.
Delegate Ticket includes:
- BC Seafood Expo All Access Pass
- Trade Show floor access
- June 12 & 13 networking lunches
- June 12 & 13 Keynote Presentations
- June 12th International Buyers Reception
Exhibitor Registration
The BC Seafood Expo Trade Show is an excellent opportunity to showcase your services to a diverse range of both wild fishery and aquaculture sectors and leaders.
Trade Show Exhibitor Pass includes:
- BC Seafood Expo All Access Pass
- 8’x8’ booth area with an 8’ high drapery back wall and a 3’ high drapery side wall
- 1 BC Seafood Expo All Access Pass
- Electrical plug
- 6’ skirted table and chairs
2019 Keynote Speakers
Session 4: Keynote Plenary – Innovations & Advances in Farmed, Harvest & Wild Fisheries: Leading Sustainability and Seafood Industries
June 12, 1pm – 2pm
Brief introduction of everyone and introduction of what is happening live stream/podcast, on a conversation between the farmers and chefs. Highlighting aquacultural advancements and techniques used to ensure sustainable practices and Customer approach on farmed fish vs. wild.
- Gene Carpenter, Blundell Seafoods
- Stanley Kwok, Blundell Seafoods
- Sean Wilton, Agrimarine Holdings / Lois Lake
- Steve Atkinson, Little Cedar Falls
- Jeremy Dunn, Mowi Canada West
- Welbert Choi, Forage
Session 9: Keynote Plenary – International Year of the Salmon: Sustaining Salmon in a Rapidly Changing World
June 13, 1pm – 2pm
The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) is a five-year outreach and research initiative of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO). Join Mark Saunders the IYS Director for the Pacific and a panel of experts including IYS Chef Ambassador Ned Bell, award winning scientist Dick Beamish and Tawney Lem, Executive Director of the West Coast Aquatic to the learn about the IYS and the transformative work being done to ensure we sustain salmon.
- Mark Saunders, Chairperson, International Year of the Salmon
- Ned Bell, Executive Chef, Ocean Wise
- Richard Beamish
- Tawney Lem, Executive Director, West Coast Aquatic
International Buyers B2B Export Café
The largest International Buyers delegation in the history of the BC Seafood Expo has been confirmed by the of Ministry of Jobs Trade and Technology and Global Affairs Canada. Buyers from countries including China, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Serbia and Uzbekistan will be on hand. Registered Expo Delegates and Trade Show exhibitors have the opportunity to request a B2B Export Café meeting with buyers for exclusive access and get down to the business of selling seafood and related services. The link to apply for a meeting is coming soon – but if you haven’t yet registered as a Delegate and/or Trade Show Exhibitor, that is step #1!
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities
Enhance your exposure at the BC Seafood Expo with strategic sponsorship opportunities at the $1000, $2500 or $5000 level.
Please check back next year for more details.
The Trade Show floors will be converted into a bountiful seafood tasting journey, where guests will enjoy networking, deal making and roaming to numerous Chef Stations to meet incredible regional chefs as they present an array of BC seafood dishes from top shellfish and finfish producers. Not only will Expo Trade Show exhibitors, delegates and other VIPs be in attendance, the Ministry of Jobs, Trade & Technology and Global Affairs’ 50+ International Seafood Buyers delegation from around the world, will also attend, as part of their tour itinerary.
2019 International Buyers Reception Chefs

Laura Agnew

Ronald St. Pierre

Nigel McMeans

Chris Andraza

Andre Durbach

Richard Benson

Slone Romano

Yolanda MacLaren

Nathan Fong

Bob Hullin

John Carlo Felicella
Meet Buyers and Seafood Leaders to Grow Your Bottom-line!
The BC Seafood Expo Trade Show provides businesses the opportunity to meet face-to-face and showcase their products & services to seafood buyers, exporters, distributors and other providers from throughout BC and the pacific northwest. Make connections, secure deals and grow your network with an Expo Trade Show Booth package, which ALSO includes access to dynamic Expo workshops, panel discussions and the International Buyers Reception.
2019 Expo Schedule
*Subject to change
BC Seafood Expo Schedule
Topic: Coastal Restoration – Ocean plastics, recycling & rehabilitation solutions for the marine environment
Moderator: Ruth Salmon
- Capt. Josh Temple, Coastal Restoration Society
- Richard Finch, Cermaq Canada
- Alex Munro, Rain Coast Sea Farms
Summary: This session will take a close look at the global issue of ocean plastics, as well as review successful projects that have been completed to restore and enhance near shore and stream spawning habitat for wild salmon. The importance of tackling the issue on an industrial scale will be addressed, as well as the need for coordinated teamwork and commitment from all levels – industry, First Nations, ENGO’s and coastal communities.
Panel: Success stories about doing business internationally
Moderator: Jennifer Hooper, BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology
- Dan Claxton, Salish Strait Seafoods
- Roger Paquette, Hub City Fisheries
- Dave Moore, River Select
Summary: Learn how the decision to work collaboratively created successful partnerships
B2B’s with Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Turkey & Serbia
B2B’s with Korea, Japan & Vietnam
Session summary: Diversifying revenue sources and sales channels is a must for seafood businesses to improve chances for long lasting business success. Developing new markets can offset impacts of seasonal business fluctuations and dependency on just a few clients. No matter your experience with selling outside of our local market, this interactive workshop will prove invaluable to those seriously looking to strengthen or grow their business by pursuing markets beyond our provincial boundaries.
Come to hear how to:
- Successfully identify and assess new target markets;
- Tap into numerous provincial and federal support services;
- Write a brief and concise growth plan for use with lenders and other agencies
- Network, share and learn from fellow participants; and
- Learn how your company can receive continued, free support from the Export Advisor for your region.
Topic: Export 101
Speaker: Allison Boulton, Export Navigator
Summary: workshop with panel of experts from various service agencies providing additional information
Topic: International Certifications for Seafood products
Speaker: TBA
Topic: Export Financing
- Meagan Clarke, Agriculture Canada
- Andrea Hoerger, Agriculture BC
- Chris Theeparajah, EDC
Summary: Export Market Development resources discuss programs for SMEs and new exporters
Topic: Free Trade Agreements
Topic: An experience at Seafood Expo North America in March
Speaker: Adriana Carrillo, JTT
Speaker: Sussan McKay
- Gene Carpenter, Blundell Seafoods
- Stanley Kwok, Blundell Seafoods
- Sean Wilton, Agrimarine Holdings / Lois Lake
- Steve Atkinson, Little Cedar Falls
- Jeremy Dunn, Mowi Canada West
- Welbert Choi, Forage
Brief introduction of everyone and introduction of what is happening
live stream/podcast, on a conversation between the farmers and chefs. Highlighting aquacultural advancements and techniques used to ensure sustainable practices and Customer approach on farmed fish vs. wild.
Why did MOWI change their name?
Innovations in farmed fishing – RAS System vs. Closed Containment
- What worked for them
- What didn’t work for them
- What they are looking at next
- How they ensure sustainable practices
- Challenges attached to their future
DFO Grants and how they can help
- British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund
- Canadian Fish and seafood Opportunities fund
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program
Public Opinion – what do customers want to eat nowadays
- Farmed fish vs. Wild Fish
- The difference in cooking
- Pricing for restaurants
Presentation 1: Growing Canadian North American benthic low intertidal seaweed species (Cannabliss) in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems
Speaker: Dr. Thierry Chopin, University of New Brunswick and Chopin Coastal Health Solutions Inc.
Summary: A renewed interest in the mariculture of seaweeds has been triggered in the western world by their cultivation in IMTA systems and the emerging understanding of the ecosystem services they provide (e.g. nutrient biomitigation, irrigation-less and deforestation-less food production, oxygen provision, habitat restoration, carbon sequestration, coastal acidification reduction, etc.). The value of these ecosystem services should be recognized, accounted for and used as financial and regulatory incentive tools (e.g. nutrient trading credits). The IMTA multi-crop diversification approach (fish, seaweeds and invertebrates) could be an economic risk mitigation and management option to address pending climate change and coastal acidification impacts. Seaweeds should not be the next superfood; they should be today’s superfood.
Presentation 2: Seaweed for Health
Speaker: Angela Willard, Co-Founder Seaweed Gardens
Summary: Seaweeds are a true superfood that have been a key component in coastal peoples diets since at least 12,000 BCE. Bringing seaweed into the general public’s regular choice of foods is advantageous to well being for many reasons. The high nutritive and medicinal benefits of seaweeds opens up a huge opportunity to improve the health of our community, while it’s unique umami taste enhances the flavour profiles of value added food products, all with the possibility of using a locally sustainable source. I will share with you here how we have successfully (sold out!) of our popular Sea Veg product at Harmonic Arts, and the confidence we feel in the upcoming release of our kelp through Seaweed Gardens.
Presentation 3: The Flavour of a love story
Speaker: Amanda Swinimer, Owner Dakini Tidal Wilds
Summary: In her talk, Amanda Swinimer, owner/operator and seaweed harvester at Dakini Tidal Wilds, will discuss how storytelling and relationships have led her to grow a successful seaweed business for the last 18 years including: relationships with colleagues, customers and most importantly, with seaweed itself and the environment where it grows. Swinimer discusses how these relationships have led to her seaweeds’ impeccable quality, diverse collaborative products and a reputation for her seaweed beyond its identity as simply ‘a product’.
Presentation 4: Canadian Kelp Resources’ development and advancement of kelp farming in BC
Speaker: Dr. Louis Druehl, Co-Founder Canadian Kelp Resources
Summary: CKR initiated kelp ‘seed’ production and pioneered the first kelp farm outside of Asia in the 1980s and kelp brownies in 2000. Seven kelp species have been test-farmed, adding to the kelp farmer’s options. Duel kelp farming of sugar kelp and bull kelp, developed by CKR and Rob Saunders, greatly enhances productivity. Presently, we are pursuing three projects: Kelp Farm on a Pallet; taming the colander kelp, a species that alternates its growth cycle with other cultivated species, expanding the growing season; and exploring the opportunities presented by the wonders of umami. CKR conducts kelp workshops.
Presentation 5: On-land Tank Culture: A Seaweed Success Story
Speaker: Lynn Cornish, Acadian Seaplants Limited, Seed Stock Manager/Research Scientist
Summary: Acadian Seaplants Limited in Atlantic Canada has been involved in the Seaweed Industry for over 35 years. Lynn will provide an overview of the company as it is today in regards to the cultivation operation, as well as some background regarding the historical timeline of how it became the largest on-land cultivation facility in the world for edible seaweeds. Challenges and opportunities will be briefly described, and our flagship food product, Hana-Tsunamata™ highlighted. This will be followed by information from various research studies demonstrating the health and wellness benefits associated with dietary seaweeds, and why they should be an integral part of our daily diets. A brief look at a few of the food applications other companies around the world are producing and marketing will be provided as well.
Presentation 6: Sea Vegetable Farming: Emerging Industry or Cottage Hobby
Speaker: Dr. Steven Backman, Co-Founder Magellan Aqua Farms
Summary: Human population growth, climate change and rising concerns surrounding food security have generated renewed interest in diversifying food production and their methods. Integrated Multi-tropic Aquaculture and Sea Vegetable production offer many opportunities to increase food production while at the same time providing much needed ecological services. In North America, sea vegetables are not part of our culinary culture and most often associated with a very negative perception in the minds of consumers. Based on our own experience I will discuss some of the opportunities and challenges faced when building a business model in this early phase.
Presentation 7: Diversification of marine livelihoods in Maine through small-scale aquaculture
Speaker: Briana Warner, CEO Atlantic Sea Farms
Summary: Atlantic Sea Farms (Ocean Approved, Inc.) has built a supply chain through helping lobster fishermen diversify into seaweed farming. Our coastal economy is becoming increasingly vulnerable in the face of climate change and other strains to the wild lobster fishery – but aquaculture can provide a supplemental income source that can help to absorb some of the shock from a changing fishery. Bri will discuss how Maine is seeing increasing numbers of fishermen turning to aquaculture as a diversification strategy – and how it is, in turn, improving the ocean where they fish.
B2B’s with China, Hong Kong, Singapore & USA
Canada – Korea Free Trade Agreement, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Summary: Learn about our Free Trade Agreements, including the new Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership; an overview of federal programs and services, plus what companies need to do to ensure their fish products are eligible for export. Added value: Canada’s trade commissiones from Poland and the Ukraine will speak to the demand for BC seafood.
Int’l Buyers Reception Chefs: Click Here
Topic: Innovations to drive economic growth in Fisheries & Aquaculture – Nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals & genomics in action
Moderator: Ruth Salmon
- Dr. Kelly Hawboldt, Memorial University
- Dr. John Kelly, Bioenterprise Canada
Summary: Innovations, ranging from green processing of waste products to cutting edge genomics, can play an important role in producing economic value in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, as well as driving environmental improvement. Examples of innovative processes to extract value-added products from fisheries and aquaculture processing waste will be explored. The value of genomics to the industry and community at large will also be discussed.
B2B’s with China, Hong Kong, Singapore & USA
- Shirley Choi, Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program
- Christie Whelan, BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund
- Asha Nooh
- Gloria Teo
Summary: Fisheries and Oceans Canada launched 3 new funding programs to support the sustainable development of commercial fishing and aquaculture sectors since 2017. Come learn how you can grow your business sustainably without incurring large financial risks with the Fisheries and Aquaculture Clean Technology Adoption Program (FACTAP), BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) and the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI) Aquaculture Development Source funding programs. Representatives from each program will provide an overview of the program, eligibility requirements, and provide insights to help you develop a successful project proposal.
B2B’s with Korea, Japan & Vietnam
Session Description:
The International Year of the Salmon (IYS) is a five-year outreach and research initiative of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) and the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO). Countries across the Northern Hemisphere are banding together in a new partnership of government, Indigenous Peoples, academia, NGOs, and industry to drive an intense burst of outreach and research that will establish the conditions necessary for the resilience of salmon and people in a rapidly changing world. Join Mark Saunders the IYS Director for the Pacific and a panel of experts including IYS Chef Ambassador Ned Bell, award winning scientist Dick Beamish and Tawney Lem, Executive Director of the West Coast Aquatic to the learn about the IYS and the transformative work being done to ensure we sustain salmon.
Program: four panelists speaking for 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions
- 1:00pm Mark Saunders – Introduction to the IYS
- 1:15pm Ned Bell – Seafood Sustainability and salmon
- 1:30pm Richard Beamish – Story of the International Gulf of Alaska Expedition
- 1:45pm Tawney Lem – A Collaborative approach to Salmon Management
What’s required, what they’re looking for & how to approach
B2B’s with Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Turkey & Serbia
Moderator: Darlene Winterburn, BCSGA
- Gabrielle Kosmider, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Kirsty Walde
Summary: Many farmers have questions and others may be out of compliance with traceability requirements. This interactive session will increase understanding of farmer requirements for tagging, record keeping and wet storage of harvested product on aquaculture sites. It will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and make recommendations to DFO to improve clarity in the Conditions of License.
Expo Deletgate Registration08:30 – 09:00
Session 1 – Coastal Restoration: Ocean Plastics, Recycling & Solutions for the Marine Env.09:00 – 10:15
Session 2 – Indigenous Seafood Industry Success Stories09:00 – 10:15
Trade Show Open09:00 – 09:00
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Turkey & Serbia09:15 – 10:15
Coffee & Networking Break10:15 – 10:45
Product Demo10:15 – 10:45
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with Korea, Japan & Vietnam10:45 – 11:45
Session 3 – Taking Indigenous Seafood Global10:45 – 12:00
Lunch & Networking12:00 – 13:00
Session 4: Keynote Plenary – Innovations & Advances in Farmed, Harvest & Wild Fisheries: Leading Sustainability and Seafood Industries13:00 – 14:00
Session 5 – BC's Best Weed: Seaweed Commercialization Workshop14:10 – 17:30
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with China, Hong Kong, Singapore & USA14:15 – 15:15
Session 6 – Free Trade AgreementsCanada – Korea Free Trade Agreement, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership14:15 – 15:45
Trade Show Closes16:00 – 16:00
International Buyers Reception17:30 – 20:30
Session 7 – Innovations to Drive Economic Growth in Fisheries & Aquaculture09:00 – 10:15
Registration & Trade Show Open09:00 – 09:00
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with China, Hong Kong, Singapore & USA09:15 – 10:15
Coffee & Networking Break10:15 – 10:45
Buy BC Presentation10:15 – 10:45
Session 8 – Funding for Sustainable Development10:45 – 12:00
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with Korea, Japan & Vietnam10:45 – 12:00
Lunch & NetworkingSponsored by Mowi Canada West12:00 – 13:00
The Seafood Blackbox Culinary Challenge12:00 – 13:00
Session 9: Keynote Plenary – The International Year of the SalmonSustaining salmon in a rapidly changing world13:00 – 14:00
Session 10 – Doing Business with SobeysWhat’s required, what they’re looking for & how to approach14:15 – 15:30
Int'l Export CaféB2B’s with Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Turkey & Serbia14:15 – 15:15
Session 11 – Tagging & Record keeping under DFO Conditions of LicenceHosted by the BC Shellfish Growers Association14:15 – 16:00
Trade Show Closes & Move out15:30 – 16:00
Air Canada Cargo Reception – Business After Business Networking Reception16:00 – 17:30
2019 Exhibitors
- Business Development Bank of Canada/ Export Development Canada
- Coast Capital Savings Credit Union
- Creative Salmon Co. Ltd.
- Farm Credit Canada
- Gindara Sablefish
- Great Little Box Company
- Grieg Seafood
- Hummingbird Cove Lifestyles Ltd
- Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET)
- Mowi (Marine Harvest Canada)
- Traceability Funding Programs
- Underwater Harvesters Association
- Walcan Seafood Ltd.
- DB Schenker of Canada
- Cermaq Canada
- Poseidon Ocean Systems Ltd.
- Buy BC
- BC Salmon Farmers Association
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters Association
- Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association
- RiverFresh Wild BC Seafood
- Vancouver Island Salt Company
- AgriMarine
- Export Navigator
- Ocean Wise, Vancouver Aquarium
- Harbour Authority Association of BC (HAABC)
- Vancouver Island University
- Coastal Sea Products International
- truLOCAL
- Coastline Market
- BC Shellfish Growers Association
- Excel Career College
- Blundell Seafoods
- River Select Fisheries
- White Box Food
- Canadian Kelp Resources, Ltd.
- SOGDA Limited
- FoodMetrics Laboratories
- Global Affairs Canada
Getting here
Click here to learn more about getting to the Comox Valley.
Thank you to our 2019 Volunteers!
2019 Sponsors
Contact Us
For any questions regarding the BC Seafood Expo, Trade Show space, and sponsorship, contact:
Comox Valley Economic Development
#200-580 Duncan Ave
Courtenay, BC V9N 2M7
phone 250-334-2427
tollfree 1-877-848-2427
fax 250-334-2414
email info@investcomoxvalley.com
Expo Newsletter
Subscribe to our email newsletter for updates and notifications on BC Seafood Expo 2019.