Regan Khan
Ministry of Jobs, Trade and TechnologySession 4
Regan Khan earned a master’s degree from the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. He began his career in international trade in 2001 at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada where he specialized in technical trade barriers, and was often a member of various Canadian delegations to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, along with international standard setting organizations in Rome and Paris.
Following AAFC, Regan spent 10 years at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, representing that federal department in numerous international trade negotiations, including at the WTO, in the Canada-EU Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), the Canada-South Korea free trade agreement, the Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.
In 2017, Mr. Khan moved to British Columbia where he now works in the International Trade Division of the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology.